Local Bands supports Bike Fest Iloilo 2018

The weather was perfect for bicycle exhibitionists who gathered together to showcase their skills during Bike Fest Iloilo 2018 which was held at Festive walk.

The heat of the sun did not stop these bicycle enthusiasts to show what they are made of, talk about passion.



These event displayed dedication, showmanship, and a great promotion to engage the youth in this form of event rather than being lost in the world of Drugs and Violence.

Well the event would never be complete without music filling the air, we we’re honored to be invited to play a couple of songs during the event,  just to hype up the atmosphere. we all believe and support the cause of this event, so there was no room of thinking twice, we are just happy to be there and be part of the event.

A picture of the members of my favorite Local bands who also supported the event Karumaldumal, Damaso

Oro Plata Mata (That’s us right there, just dont be bothered with the hairs!)

It’s another story to tell how Iloilo is the best place to live in!

iStorya Iloilo: Bike Fest Iloilo 2018

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