Check Out Old Churches Within Iloilo City and Be Amaze

Have you check out all the old churches here in Iloilo City? Check out this slide below and see why you should;

Architectural Designs

One thing in common with old churches here in Iloilo is the elegance of the designs of rocks, marbles and wood combined in one element which reflects how holy and sacred these churches are.

Symbols and Sculptures

All churches have their own patrons and also various sculptures of Saints and crucifix. Each have it’s own story and symbols benchmarked by the legacy each persona. What’s making these symbols and sculptures divine is the faith of the people who prays and attends mass in these churches.

So if you’ve not tried to visit all churches here and closely look into the details of these churches, I recommend that you schedule out some time and bring your friends with you to check out all old churches here in Iloilo.



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